January & February Spotlight: The Southern Poverty Law Center

For the rest of January and February, a portion of sales will be donated to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The SPLC is an organization that fights for racial justice through dismantling white supremacy and advancing human rights through the legal system.  In addition to providing educational resources and legal representation, the SPLC is known for maintaining their Hate Tracker, where they monitor, expose, and report hate groups across the country.

The Southern Poverty Law Center sponsors the Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama, which honors those whose lives were lost during the Civil Rights movement from 1954 to 1968, many of whom were targeted as a result of their work with the movement.

The SPLC does all of this work completely free of charge - they do not bill clients and provide completely free educational resources to schools and communities.  They also do not accept government funding, and financial support is critically important to their ability to continue to do this important work.

To learn more about the Southern Poverty Law Center, visit their website.